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"ZenGarden" - Digital Album

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Beartooth Collective presents: "ZenGarden" by cunabear.


released May 1, 2017

Lyrics written, recorded, & performed by cunabear.

Tracks 1, 5, 7, 11, & 13 produced by Toucon.
Track 2 produced by [beatmasta.oknd].
Tracks 3 & 8 produced by psymun.
Track 4 produced by sp00ks.
Track 6 produced by Filthy Marvin.
Track 9 produced by Otsuka.
Track 10 produced by Supreme Dan.
Track 12 produced by Serge Crown.
Track 14 produced by Miikey.

Track List

  1. Hidden, Forbidden, Holy Ground
  2. Commendable Spirit
  3. Lady Luck & Bedpost Notches
  4. Rite Of Spring
  5. Caterpillar Caskets
  6. Yes, I Can Recall Those Days We Spent...
  7. AntiSocial
  8. Flamingo's Lagoon
  9. HER pt.1
  10. Subliminially Yours
  11. Oh, Cuna!
  12. By The Waterfall's Edge
  13. To Wash Your Fears Away
  14. Blossomer