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"w0nky" - Digital Album

$17.77 NZD
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Dedicated to Susan Allen Bartoletti. (RIP)

"This tape has gone through many changes.
The original concept was something along the lines of a soundtrack...

...And then my friend passed away, and the story was abandoned.
And soon after- when writing for the album had officially begun, my computer's motherboard crashed, and I was left without a way to record or produce the second half of this record.

I was at a loss for what to do, if to do anything was an option for me to take. I struggled with a level of depression and anxiety I hadn't experienced in years and fell recluse, away from my friends and family.
I felt isolated and uncertain, but as the days continued I felt many of life's important lessons were being brought to light.

There is a lot of personal growth in the moments where life seems most fleeting. It's important to continue to live for the people you love, even when they are gone. No matter what you believe in, remember to cherish the little moments, embrace the darkness, learn from your mistakes, and breathe slowly. Life moves as quickly as you let it."


released May 1, 2016

Tracks 5 & 7 (Measures #3 & #4), produced by Jack Bennett.
Tracks 6, 7 (Measure #2), produced by Nu Vintage.
Track 10 (Measure #1), produced by STONEDAPE (RIP).
Track 10 (Meausre #2), produced by AnotherPlanet.
Track 8 (Measure #2), produced by Thovo.
Tracks 1-4, 7 (Measure #1), 8 (Measure #1), 9, & 11-13, produced by sp00ks.
Track 14, produced by Nalim The Martian
Track 15, produced by Onso

Executive producer: Matthew Dass

Written, recorded, & performed by Cuna Bear
Featuring BigStupid!diot, sp00kytooth, & D-Cypher