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"tr0glodyte.BurialGround" - Digital Album

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Definition of hermit:

1 a :one that retires from society and lives in solitude especially for religious reasons

a narrative exploration of self-sustained & self-contained solitude.
a departure from knowing & all things known into nature & all things natural.

Is as big an Adventure
As to define


released November 20, 2017

BearTooth Collective presenting:
"tr0glodyte. Burial Ground" by ('i's) & cunabear.

Instrumentals produced by ( 'i's ).
Lyrics/Vocals written, recorded, & performed by cunabear.

Featuring vocals by Valore.
Executive produced by Chris McCormick.
Arranged by cunabear.

Recorded in the House Of Snoring Rappers.
All rights to their respective owners.

Track List

  1. intro
  2. luvd_collapse (feat. Lady Valore)
  3. sat in the rain for about 3hrs for some unknown reason
  4. tentlife
  5. untitled part 2
  6. melon
  7. zzzebra (got lazy with the title process)
  8. state of being
  9. finding some sort of love
  10. patterns
  11. eye
  12. stop asking where i get my protein from, research things
  13. behind the eyes of the image