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"Sidequest Compilations: 8 - 15" - Digital Album
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BearTooth Collective presenting the "Sidequest Compilations" series of instrumentals & beats by sp00ks (aka cunabear), representing volumes 8 - 15.
Production, Arrangement, Mixing/Mastering by sp00ks.
Released July 10, 2024.
Track List
- Temple
- Tranquility
- Sister
- Eden
- L.O.V.E.
- So Much DMT
- Bowl O' Phō
- Ghost Whistles
- Fragility
- Burning Down A Fabricated World Tree
- Robotic Hymn Of DOOM
- Lost
- January
- A Wonderous Book
- Soulful Code
- Reflection
- Forsyth Park
- Toadstool
- King Of The Castle
- Sprawling
- End Of The World
- Midday Tea
- Cerebral
- Finding Freedom
- Opened Up A Can Of Whoop-Ass On 'Em
- Ganon's Tower
- Slums
- Kiss Me Good-Night, Why Don'cha?