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"BadFurDay" - Digital Album

$16.11 AUD
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"I wrote this album to pay my rent. Somewhere between being sick, having no money or proper food, a serious and sudden increase in my depression and anxiety, and escaping hurricane evacuation, I came to a place of deep apathy.

The narrative is born from the struggles of situational survival as an artist;

The duality of "the creator" vs. "the man", and where the line is drawn between the two. How they are influenced & effected by habitats, habits, community, & stimuli.

Facing the possibility of losing everything, and trying to find solace regardless.

Knowing that the flow will continue ever onward, whether or not you can (or want to) create, will you continue to? Does it matter?"
- cunabear

Beartooth Collective presents, cunabear's "BadFurDay":

"The Clock Of Life is wound but once,
And no man hath the power
To tell just when the hands will stop,
At late or early hour.

Now is the only time you own.
Live...Love...Toil...with a will.
Place not faith in tomorrow,
For the Clock may then be still."


released November 7, 2016

Tracks 1 & 4 (Measure #1), produced by B. Mayor.
Tracks 2 & 13, produced by P3ST.
Tracks 3, 4 (Measure #2), 7, & 14 (Measure #1), produced by sp00ks.
Tracks 5 & 8, produced by Thovo.
Tracks 6 & 12, produced by Costa of MMA.
Track 9, produced by Lucky Bastard.
Track 10, produced by Lupin The Beatsmith.
Track 11, produced by Unsung.
Track 14 (Measure #2), produced by HP 710

All vocals written, recorded, & performed by cunabear.

All rights belong to their respective owners.

Special Thanks to Audi, Libby, Bryce, & Marissa.
Fuck Hurricane Matthew.
Tybee Low Life, for Life.